When we were in sweden I naturally found my way into the kitchen. Some said it was because that was where I belonged, others were just happy that some one else was doing the dishes but mostly it was my way of sneaking out early on chores, and also – cookies. Matt and I had been traveling for a over a month by then and we were living off a…
“By nourishing your body with the right nutrients, your body will nourish you. It makes a lot of sense to count nutrients, not calories. If calorie controlled diets worked, we’d all be thin (and achingly dull.)” – Susan Jane White If you’ve ever wanted to laugh your way through a recipe and give your body a nutritional slam dunk at the same time, then Susan Jane White is the lady…
“I do not wish to treat friendships daintily, but with the roughest courage. When they are real, they are not glass threads or frost-work, but the solidest thing we know.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson I wouldn’t consider myself someone with a lot of friends. Acquaintances, yes – but there are only a small handful of people I hold close enough to call a true friend. As with most things in…
Spring has yet to arrive in our neck of the woods. It felt like it was here for a split second but it didn’t last. We continue to get more snow and rain and I’d say that this season is starting to out stay it’s welcome. But, so it goes and if I have to stay in hibernation mode just a little longer well then I’m going to make the…