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soups & bowls

Weekend Reset

Weekend Reset ⎮ happy hearted kitchen

I’ve never been big on new year’s resolutions. I don’t like the idea of starting the year off in the negative, of trying to fix something in the wrong or simply setting ourselves up for future failure. I like the idea of growth. Of constant learning and re-evaluating. I like the idea of goals rather than resolutions. Big dreams that come for a place of total possibility. To do so…

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Spicy Moroccan Chickpea Soup with Orange Almond Quinoa

Spicy Moroccan Chickpea Soup with Orange + Almond Quinoa ⎮ happy hearted kitchen

We’re heading into a pretty busy time year. Time can sometimes feel like it’s on fast forward once December hits, and then before we know it we are well into the new year. The holidays have been pretty routine for me the past few years in France, a few busy weeks at work with an early morning ski date on the 25th. Cooking a big chili or a soup for…

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Lemony Kale + Potato Soup with Caraway Seed Dukkah

Lemony Kale + Potato Soup with Caraway Seed Dukkah ⎮ happy hearted kitchen

Three years ago, when I first moved to France, kale was absolutely no where to be found. It was a forgotten vegetable that most people had never even heard of. Choux Kale? Ein? Now, kale is popping up everywhere you look. And this week, for the first time, my little organic weekly market had gorgeous bunches of curly green kale. The vendor was so totally stoked on it, telling everyone…

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